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INEC Culture Club
In One Eye, Out the Other Written and performed by Tadgh Hickey
May 8th
Doors: 7pm Show: 8pm
Tickets €18.35
Under 16’s Must be Accompanied by an Adult

The first solo from Tadhg Hickey introduces you to Feargal; a downtrodden but cheery man who fulfilled his lifelong dream of becoming an alcoholic. Using the Catholic calendar as a roadmap, Feargal leads us on a surreal and hilarious journey with many poignant twists in the hope of arriving at a sort of light at the end of the tunnel for the 'bright man’.

Described by The Irish Independent as a "...brave, risky performance. This is exciting work", In One Eye, Out The Other was programmed in Dublin Fringe under the heading, 'shows that defy categorisation'. IOEOTO seems to be at a meeting point of stand-up comedy, storytelling, and confessional monologue play. The show initially feels like a surreal character comedy piece but the experience takes a turn for the dramatic and tragic when the reality behind Feargal's tall tales, heartbreakingly emerges.

Tadhg is very open about his own alcoholism, and wanted to create a show that'd offer something fresh to discussions about alcoholism/addiction and mental health without being preachy or depressing! His aim was to disarm with surreal humour and sneak the poignancy in the back door.

Gleneagle Hotel Accommodation Packages: First select your room type and dates and proceed to select number of tickets to create your package.

Events Rates | From €125