Due to phenomenal Demand Riverdance returns September 2019
Wednesday 18th, Thursday 19th, Friday 20th, Saturday 21st, Saturday 21st Matinee, Sunday 22nd 2019
Venue: INEC Killarney
Doors7.30pm I Show 8.30pm
Stage / Stalls: €45.00
Stage & Stalls: Family Ticket (2+2): €160.00
Balcony: €40.00
Balcony: Family Ticket (2+2): €140.00
Upper Balcony: €35.00
Gleneagle Hotel /Apartments & Brehon Residents: €35.00
Gleneagle Hotel Accommodation Packages: First select your room type and dates and proceed to select number of tickets to create your package.
Events Rates | From €125
Dinner, Bed & Breakfast | From €100
META | From €120